For Partners
Are you a nonprofit organization on the South or West side that would like to partner with HCA?Your generosity of mind and time have made Joel Hall Dancers & Center stronger. For small arts organizations, the support and generosity you gave are vital to our success. Thank you!
HCA specializes in the following four types for projects:
We help partners manage and analyze their data. Our focus includes statistical analysis, setting up data storage and usage solutions such as Airtable, and developing procedures to validate data.
Prior work includes:
- Converting data stored across multiple formats into a single database, including producing data entry procedures in the new database.
- Analyzed membership information to better understand trends in organization participation
Monitoring & Evaluation
We help partners evaluate the impact of their services. Our projects typically recommend when, how, and what to evaluate.
Prior work includes:
- Refining survey data collection and developing an analysis plan for reporting to funders
- Designing an evaluation plan for organizational impact
Policy Analysis
We help partners understand the communities they serve. Our focus includes researching public mandates, community needs from public data, and understanding partners’ capacity.
Prior work includes:
- Analyzing other efforts to provide behavioral health services for underserved populations
- Recommending where to expand services based on community needs
Marketing & Communications
We help partners design polished communications. Our focus includes developing theories of change for fundraising, writing boilerplate, and developing communication plans.
Prior work includes:
- Developing a grant strategy including boilerplate language for key descriptions
- Creating a customer relationship management (CRM) dataflow and procedure to standardize fundraising efforts
We'd love to connect!
If any of these types of projects could benefit your organization, we’d love to hear from you. Please reach out to our Co-Partnerships Leads, Jay ( and Thejasvi ( who would be happy to schedule a conversation.